Reflections And Ramblings

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Libretto To The Central Laundry!

If there’s one place in IITM that can undisputedly lay claim to being the best in business, it’s the central laundry. Which other laundry can boast of a color lab so sophisticated that, almost invariably, dark clothes come back with white streaks and white ones are mottled in a manner that even a virtuoso artist would find really hard to replicate?

And as for the staff there, there is no danger of making an overstatement. They have mastered the relativistic principles of time dilation and expansion to answer all our enquiries about delays. If those arguments seem to be beyond the understanding of the cerebrally less endowed students, explaining the harmonic oscillation of the workforce strength always works out.

To make up for the above mentioned oscillation, the active workforce at the laundry at any point of time is always the number on the payroll plus the number of students searching frantically for their clothes- a masterstroke that would leave the best of management gurus speechless in wonder.

In true ‘pun’dit style, they would call out, ‘Janta laundry people have come’(Read it as ‘Janata Laundry people have come’ or ‘Junta, laundry people have come’). Of late though, they seemed to have grown tired of putting up the same ‘phun’ show (pun or fun, you decide) and decided that it is a better strategy to have the clients come to their netherworld ‘office’.

It’s a real pity then, after the barrage of rains that Chennai has been reeling under, that their ‘office’ is now submerged under water deep enough to rival the swimming pool and raises a stink that would make a skunk feel good. Of course, there is no saying on what the state of the clothes there is!!

If anyone has got anything interesting to add, do comment.