Atlas Has To Shrug
The situation that IITM is pigeonholing itself into reminds me of the bleak scenario that Ayn Rand so luridly paints in her magnum opus, ‘Atlas Shrugged’. Every direction I look I see rules fettering the activities of students and faculty alike. I mention the faculty taking note of how many of them noncommittally they say their hands are tied on the issue of student attendance. However, being a student working his way through his seventh semester in the institute, I confine my attention to what the students see. The reader will excuse the mood of the post. Being subject to innumerable rules can feel like being in a penitentiary and one never feels blithe in such milieu.
Having taken up the issue of attendance let me take it to a conclusion. Sitting through a class where one does not seem to gain any new ideas can be like watching paint dry or worse. The casus belli for the senate, which issues the fiats, seems to be the matter of respecting the teacher. I can assuredly tell them that if there is involuntary attendance in the class, there is also the simmering discontent that can by no stretch be construed as respect unless you do not look beyond the occupation of benches. Let us assume the problem in question is students not learning or dawdling their hours away in their rooms. It is no secret as to how much is absorbed by a student who forcibly attends a class that he or she detests.
Consider the alternative of having no rules but classes that are more interactive. That would mean that jumbo classes have to be done away with. There are classes with over six score students where at times no public address system is used or more likely does not work as expected. When this happens, it is unfair to criticize the back-benchers for an occasional loss of interest. Let us consider the leviathan class strengths in ID110/ID120/BT101/HS305. It makes little sense to broadcast the lecture live in the adjacent rooms. For all practical purposes, it is the same as students in
That brings us to the gags on network usage, some of which are plain paranoia and the rest ludicrous. Who would ever turn off the network every few minutes just so that the game freaks are foiled? I am in the middle of a perfectly innocuous chat online and I see the client disconnecting and reconnecting enough times to disrupt the flow in the conversation. Let us examine something worse. I am working on a deadline for a submission that closes around 4 AM IST. The network shuts down at 1 AM promptly again to make sure some mindless folk go to sleep. Whoever said the administration cannot be a good nanny? However, someone obviously did not understand that the whole world does not follow Indian Standard Time.
The above concerns seem peccadilloes in front of what I am about to castigate. I had spent my last seven months in two different universities abroad, four months on exchange and three months on a summer internship. Both have been great experiences and needless to say that I have benefited immensely from them. The internship in particular was beyond my expectations and convinced me that I wanted to do research. Still looking back fondly at the experience, a message from the Academic Section strikes me like a clip from a horror movie. From my interaction with one of the key decision makers, I do know for one that he professes concepts like sacrifice while believing that life is a zero sum game. But this takes the cake.
Academic Section
F.Acad/07-08/B2/2007 Dated: 10.08.2007
Sub: Summer Training Course – Reg
It is informed that students will be permited to undergo Industrial Training (in summer) only in organizations/institutions within
It is may kindly be noted that no student will be permitted to go abroad for Industrial Training (in summer) from Summer 2008 onwards.
/ By Order /
The mail effectively bans internships from being done abroad. Though it does not affect me directly, everything about the notice seemed repulsive to me, not including the spelling error in ‘permited’. License, quota and permits were after all what stifled
What does the present move seek to achieve? Honestly, at this moment, I do claim to read the minds of the powers-that-be. Do they intend to ‘make the budding minds work within
It may be possible that none of these reasons actually led to the decision on banning internships abroad. A few offending black sheep spam obscure universities in exotic destinations abroad, fly over and enjoy an all-expenses paid vacation. Should they determine whether the whole herd is to be castrated? But then again, it has become a typical tendency to severe the arm if there is a fly perching on it.
This tendency to solve problems with the imposition of rules is not restricted to the hallowed campus of IIT’s alone. Why else does the country have scads of amendments to the constitution? Several companies that my batch-mates worked for had unimaginably draconian restrictions of internet usage. It goes without saying that the restrictions had the look of well-seasoned Swiss cheese with all their loopholes.
The institutions abroad that I have seen closely work on honor, trust and soft coercion. If the IITs were largely built on the model adopted by the successful Western Universities, what dictates that it turn antediluvian in its mindset? The tendency worldwide is adopt the policy of ‘Laizzes-faire’-let things be. Of course, it cannot be taken too far. Some checks and balances are necessary to keep things from drifting into chaos. But far too many of them just serve to stifle productivity and achievement. We can never know how far and how high we are capable of flying until we leave the ground. It is time we loosened the chains that bind us.
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Vijay Shankar, at 3:18 AM
Excellent post.
Echoes my sentiments on the issues very well. The summer training rule is a convoluted idea someone had of making IITians serve the country. When will people learn that ideologies can't be imposed on a person?
Looking at what has been happening in the past year in IIT, I get the feeling that the insti is more interested in keeping up its good name rather than doing something to improve the name so much so that it is afraid of taking any risks.
I personally feel no student will remain glued to the computer if the Professor takes an attempt to make the class interesting and challenging. Reminds me of CB's arguments in the Filter copy.
I hope that before it is too late, the insti sees sense and revokes its decisions.
My previous comment was pretty much the same but had lots of errors.
Vijay Shankar, at 3:21 AM
One argument that might be made in favor of this new rule of internships is that students can rather stay here in India and do good research but such a decision should be left to the students and not be imposed on them, moreover some departments don't allow such work. Now going to all the new rules and the punitive action that has been taken recently in trying to set an example so as to dissuade people from doing certain things has been extremely harsh. Coercion is never the right way to go about things because before long people will rebel and break the shackles and it won't be a pretty site then.
psychedelically_yours, at 5:10 AM
very well written!
Apoorva Chandra, at 8:13 AM
Good Article !
Vivek, at 5:19 AM
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